Maintaining a Good Attitude
Goodness knows the last few years have tested even the most positive among us. AND, I am still holding on to the idea that our attitudes are one of the areas of that we can control. I am hoping that you — like me — would prefer to have a good attitude versus a crummy attitude and if I am right, please keep reading.
- Imagine that in your job, you get paid to smile (or at least to be pleasant). There are VERY few jobs where this would not be the case. So, if this is your job, ask yourself this question, “Should I be getting a raise because I am so good at it?”
- Compare your circumstances with others’. In essentially every case, there are others who are in far worse shape than you, and you have much to be thankful for. [Please note: Just because others are in worse shape than you does not mean that your scared, anxious, negative feelings are not legitimate. They are real. AND, sometimes this strategy can help us make a mental shift when our attitudes are scraping around at the bottom.]
- Get as much sleep as you can. Only in rare circumstances would more sleep be a bad idea.
- Cut back on (or even cut out) sugar and caffeine. It should be pointed out here that one of my assistants made me write this. Thankfully, the other nine strategies work for me so I have not had to resort to this one. ;)
- Play with kittens/puppies/cats/dogs at every opportunity (unless you’re allergic to them, and then I suppose watching fish in an aquarium will have to do).
- Bring in homemade treats for your immediate office staff every now and then. If that’s not possible, then maybe order something in for folks.
- Notice someone else’s good attitude and compliment them on it.
- Write down at least one thing every day that you are grateful for or something that went well or that you’re proud of. You may have more than one but one is fine!
- Think about what others say about you and your attitude. Is what you imagine they are saying what you want them to say? For example, do others say, “Wow, she has the best attitude–and I always feel better after I’ve been around her.” Or maybe, “He is amazing. No matter what, he seems to look for the good in the situation rather than the negative.”
- Smile. Refer back to #1.
Our attitude and outlook are part of what we can control. See where yours are on the spectrum of possibilities.
Keeping a positive attitude is critical. If you would like weekly doses of positivity you will want to access the Staying Positive in a Freaked-Out World. We are a positive bunch and would love for you to join us!